Autumn Retreat September 25-26-27/ 2020 |Reprogram your DNA|

In the upcoming retreat which will take place on the 25th-27th of September, we will focus on our body’s detoxification, as autumn is a good period of purification. We will apply simple detoxification techniques such as Jalaneti to clean our nasal cavity but also to prevent any respiratory diseases. We will move on to the ThetaHealing technique by being taught the way of discovering our negative beliefs that exist in our subconscious mind, through the use of the muscle control technique. This will be excitingas well asimpressive, since we will find out what our subconscious mind does which in turn determines our actions and decisions, regardless of what the conscious mind desires.

The meditation which will be chosen isTrataka. Trakata is one of themind detoxification techniques which awakens the Ajna Chakra and balances our nervous system.

During our Hatha yoga morning classes, we will work on the sun salutation. Specifically, we will learn the Surya and Bija mantras, which will accompany us throughout our practice as to increase its effectiveness.

Special emphasis will be given to the duration of pranayama which will boost our body’s energy leading us to understand its great impact on our health. Pranayama will occur in a separate session.

Throughout our retreat, we will experience relaxation sessions through the technique of yoga nidra. Yoga nidra will calm usphysically and mentally.

Our meals are vegetarian and inspired by yogi cuisine to revitalize our body.

Our sessions will take place in the heart of Holomont nature in the Guesthouse Rodamos.

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