

Xenia - Polyxeni Vatti

Yoganature - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - Xenia - Polyxeni Vatti Shambhuroopa - ΒΑΤΤΗ ΞΕΝΙΑMy first experience with Yoga was in 1993, when I started seeking relaxation after years of intensive training. From a very young age I was fascinated by athletics and managed to receive several distinctions in the girls category on local and regional level. Despite the success, I had a feeling of unfulfillment that my young age wouldn't help me comprehend. What I was actually lacking was the inner alignment of body, mind and emotions that leads to balance and contentment. This feeling gradually lead me to discovering yoga.

My expertise on yoga has brought me in the appropriate self-awareness level in order to have the necessary background for teaching. I spent significant amount of time focusing on the restrictions set by mind and the ideal way to overcome them. During this seamless mental pursuit I met ThetaHealing® practise, which addresses exclusively the subconscious mind, also the center of my interest.  

The solid foundation and knowledge I have gained during my expertise in yoga, has led me to a deep understanding of ThetaHealing® essence and has let me express all my healing potential.

In 2002 I met my yoga teacher Swami Sivamurti Saraswati (International Master of Yoga) who guided me in my education through seminars in Greece and India. I was taught equally the physiology and philosophy of Yoga and thus received a comprehensive education on theoretical and practical basis.

In 2005 I connected with my spiritual teacher Paramahamsa Niranjanananda Saraswati, founder of the Bihar Yoga Bharati (BYB) Institute of Higher Yoga Studies

In 2008 I was certified as Yoga Instructor in the system of Satyananda (365 hrs) by the Satyanandasram Greece. Since then I've been giving classes and received additional certifications in Kriya Yoga & Tattwa Shuddhi (70 hrs) and by Yoga Alliance international (200 hrs).

I'm a certified therapist ThetaHealer® and have completed:
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA
ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA
ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper training
ThetaHealing® Soulmate
ThetaHealing Rhythm to a perfect weight,
ThetaHealing® Manifesting and Abudance

I developed the experimental project “Yoga in the School” which included regular visits to a primary school during the whole school year.

As a yoga instructor I have worked with the Intercultural Center of Education and Communication (People's University), the Centre of Holistic Care “Isis”, the Selfawareness Centre “Holistic Harmony”, the Cultural Ecological Association of Peraia and Les Raquettes Tennis Club.

Furthermore I have attended a number of seminars:

  • Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha "Introducing the philosophy of yoga into teaching" 27,5hrs,  by Swami Vedantananda Saraswati & Swami Sivamurti Saraswati.
  • Yoga and creativity (20hrs): Tools of meditation, creating warm-ups for major asanas, music & creativity, yandras & mandalas, creative cooking experience, kirtan
  • Raja Yoga Yatra 1 - Asana & Pranayama Intensive (Bihar School of Yoga, Munger India)
  • Karma and Dharma
  • Connection to the Source
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Managing Emotions – Guilt
  • Managing Emotions – Fear
  • Managing Emotions – Anger
  • The Tradition of Yoga
  • Ancient Yoga Teachings
  • Yoga, answering the questions of life
  • Yoga and Nutrition
  • Connecting to the Chakras
  • Revealing the Self
  • Yoga and Relations
  • Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
  • Stress Management
  • Self Acceptance
  • Creative Pranayama
  • Self-esteem
  • Yoga Tools for Crisis Management
  • Pain: obstacle or divine gift
  • Mind, Heart, Hands
  • Yoga and hypertension 17hrs
  • Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 27hrs




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